The Tibabu Health Initiative

The Tibabu Health Initiative

The Tibabu Health Initiative

The Tibabu Health Initiative is a community health initiative that takes a prevention-driven approach to health, advocating for and teaching policies that promote healthy and active living in neighbourhoods, schools, churches and workplaces. We are Expert Medical Professionals seeking to empower the community with the necessary knowledge to keep diseases at bay.

We have been consistently recognized as a model of successful efforts to improve public health.

We engage our communities through:

  • Medical Camps
  • Sensitization Programs
  • Workplace & School Engagements

We've Been Out in The Field Among Our People

Always Caring, Always Here

Don't Live in Pain; Pain is not a lifestyle; It's time to Feel Whole

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Covid-19 is real, protect yourself and others

About Us

Tibabu is your go to health and medical centre, we combine our passion for love with our love for humanity. We understand that your health defines us and believe that we are God's instruments, dedicated to delivery of the best quality healthcare.

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Our Contacts

Dereshe Towers Off Murang'a Road,
Ngara, 4107 - 00506, Nairobi

Gatunga Catholic Church Dispensary
Marimanti, 63 - 60215, Tharaka Nithi County